Fall has... Fell. Felled? Fallen?

I recently printed up a small run of birthday invitations for a friend's daughter -- my first custom design for a child. Expectedly, it's quite different doing a youth design compared to doing a wedding, but what surprised me more was how different it was to do a design for a specific kid, rather than just for "kids." Normally I think of kid-oriented design to be too saccharine, too bright, or overly Swedish-inspired for my taste (I get my fill of swedishness working for the big blue-and-yellow box) but this design came out a little edgy, I think. Or maybe a little 80s. I couldn't help but fall back into memories of Paula Abdul songs and that unforgettable skate rink smell (ancient chewing gum ground into little black spots on the carpet + icee machines + preteen hormones) at the mention of a roller skating party.

In other news, I have a new silkscreen print in the Family show at Launch Pad. Like much of my work, it came about spontaneously and left me to figure out what it was about on my own. I'm still not sure I have a good answer for that, but in order to title it I interpreted it in relation to the Family show. In Latin. It's called Excisum Meus Fratres, Puer Sola Ego Sum, meaning (I think), "My Siblings Having Been Lost, I Am An Only Child," which makes reference to the fallopian pregnancies that preceded and followed my birth, rendering me, irreversibly, an only child.

And last but not least, I've had two pieces accepted into a recent graduate show at Portland State. More details to come...

Size does matter.

Sometimes I get annoyed at things labeled 'handmade' that really aren't. Computer printed cards and "limited edition prints" are my personal pet peaves. But it seems that for many mediums, there's simply a lack of understanding. How can you really grasp difference between a screenprinted card, a letterpressed card, and a digitally printed card, or a handbound book versus a commercially bound one, if you don't even have a vague understanding of the mechanical processes involved?

So it was really refreshing to see some shots from the Ink & Spindle studio showing their printing process. (Their site has a few images; their flickr has many more)
Fantastic work, a studio to die for, and ethical working methods. I think I'm in love.

Yes, I am a carpenter's daughter.

"Hemlock 82" print by Bryan Nash Gill, at Ashes & Milk

These are absolutely beautiful. I'm not the art-buying type, but every so often there is something that I would love to share my space with on a regular basis, and this, I believe, is one of them.

Also, as a lover of things handmade with care, such as good woodworking, I have to appreciate his technique. These are wood block prints in the utmost sense.

The Web Is A Wonderful Thing

Looking around for retailers to approach, I found the ReForm School. Awesomeness. Seriously.

A few favorites:

"Grow" Tee by Ryan Jacob Smith
(a portland artist)

"San Shui Nocturne 2" by Yu I Chan
(gocco print)

"Every Card You Need This Year"
(this is just a great idea)

Lorena Barrezueta Gourmet Collection

Now go out and buy something. Help out the economy by supporting your local (or not so local) artist(s).

Valentine Test Prints

Printed a test batch of valentines day cards. (The design wraps around the back, fyi.) Very cute, although gold ink was frustratingly sticky. (Typing will be very limited because right after printing, I cut a chunk out of my finger with a kitchen knife. Left hand, thankfully, but still makes lots of things difficult.) Now I have to track down large quantities of this card stock I printed them on -- it was given to me by a friend, so I have no idea what it is exactly, or where it came from. Once I find it, they'll be for sale, but not just yet...